Cretacolor Chunky Charcoal Stick


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  • Cretacolor Chunky Charcoal Sticks are charcoal sticks in jumbo size.
  • Measuring 80mm in length and 18mm in diameter.
  • Chunky Charcoal is an extra large, round piece of compressed charcoal, which produces a smooth, intense black of exceptional depth and tonality.
  • Perfect for large-scale drawings and sketches.
  • Lines and marks drawn with charcoal have a special expression, raw and refined at the same time. 
  • Charcoal provides the opportunity to work with smearing and blurring as part of the actual drawing process.
  • Can be smeared and erased.
  • When the drawing is complete, the charcoal can be fixed permanently to the paper with a fixative spray.


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Free shipping for orders over R650.00
SKU: CC49500 Category:

The size of the rod makes it suitable for creating raw, energetic shapes and textures. When used in a figurative context, it forces one to focus on the large forms. It’s a drawing tool for artists who don’t mind getting their fingers a little dirty. When the drawing is complete, the charcoal should be fixed permanently to the paper with a fixative spray.

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    Cretacolor Chunky Charcoal Stick

    Cretacolor Chunky Charcoal Stick

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