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Preserve Your Masterpieces: Discover the Best Matte Fixative Spray
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  • Preserve Your Masterpieces: Discover the Best Matte Fixative Spray

Aug 22, 2024

Understanding Fixative Sprays

what are Fixative Sprays and Matte Fixative Sprays?

When it comes to preserving your masterpieces and protecting dry media artworks, fixative sprays play a crucial role. These sprays are specifically designed to prevent smudging and rubbing off of dry media such as pastels, charcoal, pastel pencils, and graphite. Understanding the purpose of fixative sprays and the different types available can help artists choose the best option for their artistic needs.

Purpose of Fixative Sprays

The primary purpose of fixative sprays is to fix and protect dry media artworks. By applying a fixative spray, artists can stabilize the pigment and fix the drawing material, preventing smearing of the picture and protecting it against damage and dust (Artistro). Fixative sprays create a barrier that helps to hold the drawing in place on a substrate, preventing graphite from smudging into pigments and muddying colors in the final artwork (Artist Strong).

Types of Fixative Sprays

There are different types of fixative sprays available, each with its own characteristics and intended uses. The two main types of fixative sprays are workable fixative and finishing fixative.

  • Workable Fixative Spray: Workable fixative spray allows artists to spray and then add more marks on the surface after it cures or dries. This type of fixative is especially useful when artists want to continue working on a piece by adding additional layers or details. It provides temporary protection while still allowing for further work (Artist Strong).
  • Finishing Fixative Spray: Finishing fixative spray is applied at the very end of the artwork to fix the marks to the surface and limit smudging or staining. It provides a final layer of protection, ensuring that the art remains intact and the colours stay vibrant. Once a finishing fixative spray is applied, no further work can be done on the artwork (Artist Strong).

When selecting a fixative spray, it’s important to consider the specific needs of your artwork and the type of dry media you are using. Some fixative sprays are formulated specifically for charcoal, pastels, or graphite. Others are more versatile and suitable for different types of dry media. It’s always recommended to read the product labels and instructions to ensure compatibility and proper usage.

Understanding the purpose and types of fixative sprays is essential for artists who want to preserve their masterpieces. By choosing the right fixative spray, artists can ensure the longevity and integrity of their creations.

Application Techniques for Matte Fixative Sprays

When using a fixative spray for art, employing the correct application techniques is essential to achieve the desired results and protect your dry media artworks. In this section, we will discuss two important aspects of applying fixative sprays: proper application distance and layering for desired effects.

Proper Application Distance

To ensure an even and effective application of the fixative spray, it is crucial to maintain the proper distance between the canister and the artwork. The recommended distance is at least 12 inches (30 centimeters) between the nozzle and the surface of the artwork. This distance allows for an even distribution of the fixative without causing pooling or oversaturation.

By following the proper application distance, you can minimize the risk of the fixative spray dripping or creating uneven spots on your artwork. It’s important to keep the canister in constant motion while spraying to achieve uniform coverage.

Layering for Desired Effects

Layering is an effective technique when using fixative sprays, especially for achieving specific effects or enhancing the protection of your artwork. After applying the initial light coat of fixative spray, you can layer additional coats to achieve a heavier application if desired.

When layering fixative sprays, it is recommended to wait for 5 to 7 minutes between each coat. This waiting time allows the previous layer to dry partially before applying the next one. By spacing out the coats, you can build up the level of protection without risking over-saturation or causing colour shifts.

It’s important to note that fixative sprays can alter the appearance of your artwork, particularly if multiple heavy coats are applied. If you want to maintain the original colour integrity, it’s advisable to use light coats and avoid excessive layering.

Remember to allow the fixative spray to dry completely before touching the artwork. This drying time is crucial to prevent any dramatic colour shifts or pastels dissolving in the fixative. Following these guidelines will help ensure the best possible outcome for your dry media artworks.

Recommended Products

Pastel Revolution Fixative

ghiant-academy-spray-fixative-in-action-8 is shown ina dark room being used to spray downward onto a paper that is white. you an see the mist coming from the srpay going down onto the paper in an even coating. there is a person holding the can and pushing the nozzle down to make it work. sitting in front of a rainbow strip that is swirly

The Pastel Revolution Fixative, also known as the Pastel Freezer, is a reliable choice for artists working with pastels. This fixative freezes pigments onto the paper, creating a stable layer that prevents smudging when additional pastel or pastel pencils are applied later. While slight colour changes may occur upon application, typically resulting in a darkening of some colors, this fixative offers significant improvement over other options in the market. It is particularly effective on Pastelmat but can also be used on other absorbent surfaces such as papers and canvas. For more information, visit My Art Shop.

Pro Art Matte Fixative Spray

Pro Art Fixative Spray 200ml Black can with white lid. Front view of can

Pro Art Fixative Spray is specifically formulated to safeguard artwork from dust, smudging, and fading caused by direct and indirect UV light exposure. This fixative spray offers clear and reliable protection for various dry artist media such as pastel, pencil, charcoal, and chalk. With a quick drying time of about 5 minutes. It allows for convenient and efficient application. Before using Pro Art Fixative Spray, it is important to shake the can vigorously for one minute. After the agitator rattles to ensure proper mixing of the contents. Apply the fixative by holding the can 25 – 35cm away from the artwork, firmly pressing the nozzle while moving evenly from side-to-side to achieve a thin, even coat. Avoid overspraying and repeat the process as needed over dried coats. To prevent blockages and ensure future use. Clear the nozzle before storing by inverting the can. Depressing the nozzle, and spraying until the product stops emitting. For more details, visit My Art Shop.

Ghiant Academy Fixative Spray


three bottles of ghiant fixative spray in different sizes are placed next to eachother int he center of the image. the big orange 500ml bottle is on the left, the smaller bottle is on the right and the small 150ml bottle is in the middle at the front. the two smaller bottles have grey labels and black lids and the orange bottle has a white lid. in the center of the image on a white background

Ghiant Academy Fixative Spray offers a reliable solution for protecting final drawings in pastel, pencil, or charcoal. It provides a temporary and final protective coating for various dry media. It is also suitable for sealing Pan Pastel and Gouache paintings. This fixative spray is workable, allowing artists to edit their artwork even after application. With its fast-drying formula, it ensures a quick and convenient application process. The Ghiant Academy Fixative Spray is acid-free and non-yellowing, guaranteeing that artwork remains pristine over time. It can be used on any surface, making it versatile for different artistic projects. For more information, visit My Art Shop.

Usage Tips

When using a matte fixative spray to protect and preserve your dry media artworks, there are a few key tips to keep in mind. Proper application techniques and recommendations can significantly impact the effectiveness and longevity of the fixative spray.

Shaking and Ventilation for matte Fixative Sprays

Before using a fixative spray, it’s essential to shake the can vigorously for at least two minutes. This ensures proper mixing of the contents and helps achieve an even application. Shaking the can thoroughly is crucial to distribute the fixative components evenly and prevent any potential clogs or uneven sprays. It is advised to shake the can periodically during use to maintain a consistent mixture.

In addition to shaking the can, proper ventilation is vital during the application process. It is recommended to spray the fixative in a well-ventilated area, preferably outdoors, or in a properly ventilated room. This helps to ensure good air circulation and minimize inhalation of fumes. If applying the fixative spray indoors, using a quality mask is advisable to protect your lungs from potential harm (Artist Strong).

Coating Recommendations

When applying a fixative spray, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for optimal results. Each fixative spray may have specific recommendations regarding the distance from the artwork and the number of coats to apply. It is crucial to read and follow these instructions carefully.

For example, the Pro Art Fixative Spray suggests holding the can 25 – 35cm away from the artwork for an even and thin coat. It is important not to overspray but rather repeat the process as needed over dried coats. Following these recommendations ensures proper coverage and prevents over-saturation or pooling of the fixative spray (My Art Shop).

It’s worth noting that multiple thin coats of fixative spray are generally more effective than a single heavy coat. Each layer adds a protective barrier without saturating the artwork. It’s essential to allow each coat to dry completely before applying the next one.

By adhering to these usage tips, you can maximize the effectiveness of your matte fixative spray and provide long-lasting protection for your dry media artworks. Remember to always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions and consider the specific requirements of your artwork. For more information on fixative sprays and their application, check out our article on how to use fixative spray.

Comparison and Recommendations

When it comes to choosing the right fixative spray for preserving your artwork, two popular options to consider are Ghiant Academy Fixative and Pro Art matte Fixative spray. Let’s compare these two products and discuss the importance of matte paper prints and varnish.

Ghiant Academy Fixative vs. Pro Art Matte Fixative Spray

Ghiant Academy Fixative Spray, available in a large 500ml can. Offers a reliable solution for protecting final drawings in pastel, pencil, or charcoal. It can also be used to seal Pan Pastel and Gouache paintings. Making it versatile for different artistic projects (My Art Shop). The workable formula allows artists to edit their artwork even after applying the fixative. It dries quickly, ensuring a convenient application process. The acid-free and non-yellowing properties of Ghiant Academy Fixative Spray guarantee the longevity of the artwork (My Art Shop).

On the other hand, Pro Art matte Fixative Spray is designed to protect artwork from dust, smudging, and fading caused by UV light exposure. It is acid-free and suitable for use on various dry artist media, including pastels, pencils, charcoal, and chalk (My Art Shop). The Pro Art Fixative Spray ensures the preservation of your artwork by creating a protective layer that prevents damage and discoloration over time.

Both Ghiant Academy Fixative and Pro Art Fixative provide excellent options for preserving your artwork. The choice between the two depends on your specific needs and preferences. Consider the type of artwork you create, the medium you use, and the desired level of protection when making your decision.

Matte Paper Prints and Varnish Importance

When using fixative sprays, it’s important to consider the type of paper you are working with. Matte paper prints are the preferred choice for many artists due to their ability to hold the fixative effectively. The slightly textured surface of matte paper allows the fixative to adhere better, providing a more durable protective layer.

Additionally, applying a varnish to your artwork after using a fixative spray can further enhance its longevity and protection. Varnish acts as a barrier against environmental factors, such as dust and UV light, helping to prevent fading and discoloration. It also adds a layer of gloss or matte finish, depending on your preference, giving your artwork a professional and polished look.

When using varnish, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and choose a varnish specifically designed for use with the medium you are working with. This ensures compatibility and optimal results.

By utilizing the right fixative spray for your artwork and considering the use of matte paper prints and varnish, you can effectively preserve and safeguard your masterpieces for years to come.

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