Winsor and Newton Watercolour Mediums
Winsor and Newton Watercolour Mediums create a world of artistic possibilities where you can enhance your paintings with stunning effects. From turning your colours into smooth silk to giving them a textured hug, these mediums are the secret sauce to your artistic success. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just dipping your brush into the paint for the first time, let Winsor and Newton be your artistic genie in a bottle.
Winsor & Newton Art Masking Fluid 75ml
- A pigmented liquid composed of rubber latex and pigment, for masking areas of work needing protection when colour is applied in broad washes
- Do not apply on damp or soft sized paper
- Remove as soon as possible after application
- Brushes can be cleaned if washed immediately with water after use
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Winsor & Newton Art Masking Fluid Colourless 75ml
- A colourless, non-staining liquid composed of rubber latex for masking areas of work needing protection when colour is applied in broad washes
- Do not apply on damp or soft sized paper
- Remove as soon as possible after application
- Brushes can be cleaned if washed immediately with water after use
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Winsor & Newton Art Masking Medium Permanent 75ml
- A non-removable, water repellant liquid wax designed for masking specific areas of paper, making them resistant to water
- When dry, the medium will repel superimposed washes
- Excellent for detail
- Apply directly to the paper or tint with small amounts of water colour
- Allow to dry completely before overpainting
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Winsor & Newton Aquapasto 60ml tube
- Aquapasto is mixed with water colours to thicken the wash
- It is a gel medium that is squeezed onto the palette and just enough can be added to the water colour wash until the wash thickens
- Tube colours are easier to use for stronger washes or when large amounts are required
- Aquapasto washes will not flow into each other so they are excellent for clouds or multi-coloured areas
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Winsor & Newton Blending Medium 75ml
- Slows the drying of watercolours, allowing more time for blending
- Extends working time even in hot climates
- For maximum effect dilute with medium only
- Can also be mixed with water
- 75ml
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Winsor & Newton Granulation Medium 75ml
- This increases the granulation of colour, giving a mottled appearance to colours which usually give a smooth wash
- For maximum effect dilute colour generously with medium alone
- Always work with painting horizontal
- 75ml
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Winsor & Newton Gum Arabic 75ml
- A pale coloured solution that controls the spread of wet colour, reduces staining & slows drying
- Also increases gloss & transparency giving greater depth to each colour
- Dilute with water as required
- Slows down the drying time of paint
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Winsor & Newton Iridescent Medium 250ml
- This medium gives pearlescent or glitter effects to water colours and is particularly effective when mixed with transparent colours especially over dark backgrounds
- Mix with transparent water colour or apply over a dried wash
- Shake well before use
- 250ml
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Winsor & Newton Lifting Preparation 75ml
- Allows dry colour washes, including staining colours, to be easily lifted from paper with a wet brush or rag
- Apply directly to paper and allow to dry before painting
- It is recommended to coat the whole surface before commencing painting
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Winsor & Newton Ox Gall 75ml
- A wetting agent used to improve flow when mixed directly with water colours
- It can also be used on very hard sized papers to reduce surface tension
- Add 3-4 drops per cup of water
- 75ml
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Winsor & Newton Textured Medium 75ml
- Contains fine particles that add fine texture and can be used to give the impression of depth and structure to water colour paintings
- Apply directly to paper or mix with water colour
- Shake well before use
- 75ml
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