6″ Hake Brush


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  • A Hake Brush is an Asian style wash brush with a long, flat wooden handle used in watercolour painting.
  • They are used for covering and wetting large areas and absorbing excess media.
  • These brushes hold paint, ink and water very well, so they’re perfect for wetting the surface, doing large even washes, or picking up excess paint.
  • Ideal for blending watercolours.
  • Suitable for applying slips and glazes to ceramics.
  • The brush is extremely soft and is great to remove dust and eraser residue.
  • The Hake holds a lot of water, so when needed, it can deliver more of a puddle than an even layer to the paper surface, and it’s soft enough not to lift the previous layers of colour or leave angular lines when glazing colour.
  • Buy a hake brush, and before you know it, it will be a go-to tool in your artistic practice.
  • Hake Brushes are available in the following sizes: 1″, 1.5″, 2″, 3″, 4″, 5″ and 6″
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SKU: HK60 Category:

A hake brush is an oriental wash brush with a long, flat wooden handle used in Watercolour painting, but are also suitable for applying slips and glazes to ceramics and great to remove dust and eraser residue. The brush is typically made of soft goat hair and holds paint, ink and water very well so they’re perfect for wetting the surface, doing large even washes, or picking up excess paint.

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    Hake Brushes

    6" Hake Brush

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