Dala Podge 250ml


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  • Dala Podge is a decoupage medium that is a multipurpose adhesive and sealant for decoupage, scrapbooking and most craft projects.
  • In the process of decoupage, it is this high viscosity glaze that ultimately determines the quality of the decoupage work.
  • High viscosity glaze.
  • Podging involves the process of applying and sanding multiple layers into a smooth finish.
  • Podge can be used to bond serviettes to wood, tiles, tin, brick, stone, wax candles, soap etc.
  • How to use: Apply multiple layers, allow each layer to dry, sand with fine sandpaper and water between each set of 10 layers.
  • Best applied with a foam brush or sponge roller.
  • Dala Podge 250ml


SKU: PO-250ML Category:

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    Dala Podge 250ml

    Dala Podge 250ml

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