Derwent Techniques Brush Set


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  • The Derwent Techniques Brush Set is a specially selected assortment of brushes for different painting techniques; each brush in this set has been developed to produce different marks, allowing the artist greater creative possibilities.
  • Create a variety of interesting brush marks on paper, from washes to fine detail.
  • Set includes 6 brushes: foam, sword liner, fan, flat, comb and rigger.
  • Synthetic hair tips.
  • Derwent Techniques Brushes are for use with watercolour paints, water-soluble pencils and blocks such as the Derwent Graphik Line Painter pens.
  • Professional quality paintbrush set for creating a wide variety of marks.
  • 6 assorted brush create a wide variety of different marks – laying down a wash over a large area, creating fine lines, creating marks such as hair and grass.

Foam Brush – perfect for laying down a wash over a large area or background.
Swordliner – an exquisite brush for flowing marks; glide between fine lines and teardrop shapes. Ideal for petals and leaves.
Fan Brush – when wet, the fan separates into fine points which can be used to create delicate marks such as hair and foliage.
Flat Brush – for broader strokes and fine lines, the flat brush has great colour carrying capacity for laying down colour quickly with ease.
Comb Brush – a close relative of the fan brush, the comb brush is used anywhere you want fine separated lines. Ideal for grasses & fur, it is also used for adding texture and hatching.
Rigger Brush – the perfect brush for adding detail. The rigger produces fine lines with a consistent width. Ideal for delicate lines and intricate work.

SKU: 2302003 Category:

A set of 6 brushes, each developed to produce different painterly effects. Includes (left to right):

  • 1 inch wide Foam Brush for laying down a wash or painting large backgrounds.
  • A Swordliner Brush for creating flowing marks and tear drop shapes and to glide between lines.
  • A Fan Brush which when wet separates into fine points which can be utilised to create delicate marks such as hair, feathers or foliage.
  • 1/2 inch wide Flat Brush for broad strokes or fine lines.
  • A Rigger Brush for detailed intricate work.
  • A Comb Brush for adding texture and hatching or when painting grasses and fur.

Remember that cleaning and storing your brushes correctly, will ensure their longevity!

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    Derwent Techniques Brush Set

    Derwent Techniques Brush Set


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