Manganese Blue Maimeri Acrilico 75ml


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  • A new acrylic language, strong, fast and workable according to the nature and heart of the user.
  • An excellent tool for professional artists and art students.
  • Seventy-nine vibrant, bright, clean colours composed of good-quality pigments carefully ground, dispersed and stabilized, chosen for the purpose of getting deep, bright tones enhancing the brilliance and purity of the colour and conferring a luminosity never before achieved in a competitively priced acrylic colour range.
  • The Maimeri Acrilico finish is uniform and semi-shiny.
  • These paints, with their high concentration of resistant, elastic acrylic resin, spread uniformly even over unprimed supports.
  • Maimeri Acrilico colours are dense and highly workable with a brush, making them very easy to use.


SKU: 916385 Category:

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    Manganese Blue Maimeri Acrilico 75ml