Medium Cretacolor Charcoal Pencil Black


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  • Cretacolor Charcoal Pencils are wood encased charcoal with a uniform, smooth and intense stroke.
  • They have a low content of binder compared to other brands of carbon pencils, which means that they draw particularly strong, opaque lines, and that the carbon pigment can easily be spread and moved around on the paper with a finger or drawing stub.
  • They are available in 3 grades – Soft, Medium and Hard.
  • Cretacolor Charcoal Pencils are made with compressed charcoal for rich, dark effects and precise, consistent strokes.
  • They are ideal for drawing, sketching, hatching, and smudging with a paper blending stick.
  • 7.5mm pencil with 0.38mm diameter charcoal.
SKU: CC46002 Category:

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    Cretacolor Charcoal Pencil Black

    Medium Cretacolor Charcoal Pencil Black