Gummed Tape 72mm x 200m


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  • Gummed Tape is an acid-free medium-weight Kraft paper that has a natural glue adhesive which becomes sticky when moistened upon application.
  • It is widely preferred by watercolour artists and printmakers for its ability to adhere dampened paper to a backing board tightly and securely.
  • Cut or tear the desired the length of tape, wet the ‘shiny’ side with a sponge or brush (do not over wet) and use it to adhere your paper just like regular tape then leave it to dry completely.
  • Unlike regular tape, gummed tape does not remove easily, to completely avoid the risk of tearing your paper, it is recommended to cut off the edges of the sheet where the tape adhered to.
  • Provides good seal and holding power
  • This Gummed Tape Roll is 72mm wide and 200m in length
SKU: GT72 Category:

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    Gummed Tape 72mm x 200m. Roll is vsible at an angle with the end of the tape roll being exposed

    Gummed Tape 72mm x 200m