Prime Art Lino Cutting Tool Set


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  • The Prime Art Lino Cutting Tool Set is a comprehensive lino cutting tool set that offers exceptional value.
  • Ideal for design cutting and preparation on Prime Art soft cut lino sheets.
  • Strong wooden handle with broad grip ensures a stable grip when working.
  • A set of 5 different blade shapes to cover all design requirements.
  • Wooden push rod to easily and safely remove and change blades.
  • The Prime Art Lino Cutting Tool Set has a strong plastic container for easy and safe storage.


SKU: LINO03 Category:

To use the Prime Art Lino Cutting Tool Set, follow these steps:

Select Your Blade: Choose one of the five interchangeable blades based on the type of cut you need. Each blade is designed for different cutting styles, such as fine details or broader strokes.
Attach the Blade: Insert the chosen blade into the wooden handle. Ensure it is securely fastened to avoid any accidents while cutting.
Prepare Your Lino: Place the linoleum block on a stable surface. If necessary, secure it with tape to prevent movement.
Design Your Image: Lightly sketch your design on the linoleum block with a pencil. This will guide your cutting.
Start Cutting: Hold the handle comfortably and apply even pressure to cut along your design. Start with the outline and then move to the inner details. Always cut away from your body for safety.
Clean Up: After completing your cuts, carefully remove any excess linoleum. You can use a small tool or your fingers to clear the debris.
Printing: Once your design is complete, apply ink to the raised surfaces of the linoleum block and press it onto your desired medium (like paper) to create your print.

Always remember to handle the blades with care to avoid injury, and practice on scrap pieces of linoleum if you’re new to the process.

Prime Art Soft Cut Lino Sheet A6
Prime Art Soft Cut Lino Sheet A5
Prime Art Soft Cut Lino Sheet A4
Prime Art Soft Cut Lino Sheet A3
Prime Art Soft Cut Lino Sheet A2
Prime Art Soft Cut Lino Sheet 30cm x 30cm30cm x 30cm Prime Art Soft Cut Lino Sheet

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    The contents of a Prime Art Lino Cutting Tool Set is shown loose in the frame. Each item is stacked one below the other. At the top of the frame is the white cardboard box that the set comes in. below that is the plastic container that houses the contents of the set. Below the container is the wooden handle. Below the handle is a wooden stick that is round in shape and used to remove the blades. There are 5 metal blades lined up along the bottom of the frame. The each have a different shape. On a white background.

    Prime Art Lino Cutting Tool Set