Masters Hand Soap


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  • Masters Hand Soap is a specialized soap trusted by artists for cleaning hands quickly and effectively from oils, acrylic and water-based paints, as well as dried-on paint.
  • It is non-abrasive, removes petroleum-based colours without harsh chemicals, and leaves hands feeling soft.
  • The soap is spearmint-scented, lanolin-free, and effectively cleans hands of various substances like Oil, Acrylic Paint, Stains, Grease, and Inks.
  • Masters Hand Soap is available in a 4.5oz bar.
SKU: ET102BJ Category:

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    A persons hands are seen coming in from the left hand side of the frame. Their top hand is holding a sealed bar of Masters Hand Soap. There is a large block of something in the background, but the image is blurred. The image is cut off by the frame.

    Masters Hand Soap