Mont Marte Brush Washer Stainless Steel


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  • The Mont Marte Stainless Steel Brush Washer is an invaluable accessory for artists and provides a quick and convenient way to clean and dry your brushes.
  • The stainless steel spiral handle suspends brushes in turpentine or water, protecting brush bristles to give them a longer life.
  • The spiral also allows brushes to be suspended in air to dry when the washer is empty.
  • The mesh screen in the bottom of the washer provides a semi abrasive surface to clean brushes and also allows sediment to settle in the base so water or turpentine can be reused for cleaning.
  • The Mont Marte Brush Washer Stainless Steel is designed to protect the brush bristles and give them a longer life.
  • Rust resistant stainless body.
  • Stainless steel spiral handle.
  • A quick and convenient way to clean and dry your brushes.
SKU: MAXX0007 Category:

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    Mont Marte Brush Washer Stainless Steel

    Mont Marte Brush Washer Stainless Steel