ArtGraf Tailor Shape Block Black


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  • ArtGraf Tailor Shape Blocks were inspired by the traditional Tailors Pencil.
  • The ArtGraf Tailor Shape is a rich, water-soluble pigment block.
  • They are extremely soft and offer artists a wide range of shades depending on the amount of water used, from light, transparent to deep, rich and opaque colours.
  • When diluted, the shape of the tailor acts in the same way as an ink, it can also be used dry as a drawing medium by itself.
  • They can be used as a whole block to draw or paint with, or they can be picked up with a brush from the block, in the same way you used traditional watercolour paint.
  • Excellent for drawing and painting.
  • ArtGraf Tailor Shape Blocks measure 4.5cm x 5cm.


SKU: AGTSBC25 Category:

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    ArtGraf Tailor Shape Block Black

    ArtGraf Tailor Shape Block Black