Ultramarine Green Shade S1 Winsor & Newton Artist Oil 37ml

R265.00R285.00 (-7%)

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Professional Oil Paint

Ultramarine (Green Shade) is a rich deep transparent blue with green undertones, differing from the red undertones of French Ultramarine. French chemist Guimet created synthetic Ultramarine in 1828.

  • Every Winsor & Newton Artists’ Oil Colour is individually formulated to enhance each pigment’s natural characteristics and ensure stability of colour
  • Winsor & Newton Artists’ Oil Colour is unmatched for its purity, quality and reliability, a success which is reflected in its worldwide reputation amongst professional artists
  • By exercising maximum quality control throughout all stages of manufacture, selecting the most suitable drying oils and method of pigment dispersion, the unique individual properties of each colour are preserved
  • Combined with over 170 years of manufacturing and quality control expertise, the formulation of Artist’s Oil Colour ensures the best raw materials are made into the World’s Finest Colours
  • Artists’ Oil Colour uses the highest level of pigmentation consistent with the broadest handling properties
  • The quantity of pigment used provides covering power and tinting strength

Series number: 1 Chemical description: Complex sodium alumino-silicate containing sulphur Colour index name: PB29 Colour index number: 77007 Permanence rating: A(iii) ASTM lightfastness rating: I Transparency/Opacity: T


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    Ultramarine Green Shade S1 Winsor & Newton Artist Oil 37ml

    R265.00R285.00 (-7%)

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