- Faber Castell Pitt Pastel Pencils contain a high level of pigment, but are wax and oil free, and are perfectly suited for fine details in pastels.
- They are very suitable for lines, shading, and delicate colour transitions, and also for extended areas.
- Use them for sketches, studies, portraits, still-lifes, and landscape drawings.
- Colours are rich in pigment, allowing dense shading.
- Faber Castell Pitt Pastel Pencils do not change on fixing or exposure to light.
- They can easily be wiped to merge areas of colours, which means that they must then be fixed to protect the drawing.
- Pencils are pre-sharpened.
- Individual lightfastness ratings are printed on each pencil’s casing.
Contents Include: 60 Pencils: #101 White, #102 Cream, #103 Ivory, #104 Light Yellow Glaze, #106 Light Chrome Yellow, #109 Dark Chrome Yellow, #113 Orange Glaze, #118 Pompeian Red, #125 Scarlet Red, #132 Beige Red, #138 Violet, #139 Burnt Carmine, #140 Light Ultramarine, #143 Cobalt Blue, #149 Bluish Turquoise, #151 Helioblue-Reddish, #153 Cobalt Turquoise, #155 Helio Turquoise, #156 Cobalt Green, #157 Dark Indigo, #160 Manganese Violet, #189 Cinnamon, #191 Pale Geranium Lake, #194 Red-Violet, #225 Dark Red, #226 Alizarin Crimson, #227 Pink Carmine, #228 Rose Carmine, #229 Indian Red, #230 Burnt Sienna, #231 Burnt Umber, #232 Raw Umber, #233 Walnut Brown, #234 Van Dyck Brown, #235 Sepia, #236 Terracotta, #237 Earth Green Yellowish, #238 Earth Green, #239 Hooker’s Green, #240 Juniper Green, #241 Olive Green Yellowish, #242 Light Flesh, #243 Medium Flesh, #244 Dark Naples Ochre, #245 Brown Ochre, #246 Black, #247 Warm Grey I, #248 Warm Grey IV, #249 Cold Grey I, #250 Cold Grey II, #251 Cold Grey III, #252 Cold Grey IV, #253 Cold Grey V, #254 Cold Grey VI, #255 Light Yellow Ochre in a metal tin.