Dala Plaster of Paris 1kg Bucket


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  • Dala Plaster of Paris is a white, powder product that requires the addition of water to create a paste which can then be poured, or sculpted with.
  • The paste is poured into a mould to create a ‘positive’, or poured over something to cast a ‘negative’.
  • Dala Plaster of Paris is available in 1kg and 5kg bags.
  • Dala Plaster of Paris 1kg Bucket.


SKU: POP-B1KG Category:


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    A single Dala Plaster of Paris 1kg Bucket is shown in the center of the frame. The bucket is clear plastic and has a printed blue label on the front of the body of the bucket. The label has white text describing the product. The image is center of the frame and on a white background.

    Dala Plaster of Paris 1kg Bucket
