Quinacridone Rose Light Maimeri Classico Oil Paint 60ml

R145.00R175.00 (-17%)

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  • Maimeri Classico Oils are produced by Italian Paint Make Maimeri.
  • Classico Superfine Oil Colours provide artists with the highest quality, most pigmented oils, even using real cadmiums.
  • Whites are blended with non-yellowing oils (safflower oil) to retain their brightness and purity.
  • The ideal combination of modern and traditional pigments, safe and stable.
  • Authentic cadmium pigments in concentrations of 20% to 25%.
  • Competitiveness as a distinctive feature.
  • The best quality / price ratio on the market.
  • Oil colour with performance superior to price.
  • Maimeri Classico Oils are available in a colour palette consisting of 77 colours.
  • Of the 77 colours, 73 have maximum stability to light.
  • Absolutely no waxes or additives.
  • Perfectly balanced drying times.
  • Buttery, thick body that dries to a satin glow.
  • 60ml tubes ensure maximum value for money!


SKU: 306214 Category:


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    Quinacridone Rose Light Maimeri Classico Oil Paint 60ml

    R145.00R175.00 (-17%)

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