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Take Your Art to the Next Level: Best Fixative Spray for Vibrant Coloured Pencil Drawings
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  • Take Your Art to the Next Level: Best Fixative Spray for Vibrant Coloured Pencil Drawings

Aug 22, 2024

Understanding Fixative Sprays

To protect delicate artworks, such as pencil, pastel, and charcoal drawings, from smudging or fading over time, artists often turn to fixative sprays. These sprays provide a clear coating that helps preserve the integrity of the artwork. In this section, we will explore the purpose of fixatives and the different types available.

Purpose of Fixatives

The primary purpose of fixative sprays is to “fix” the drawing to its surface. Preventing smudging and muddying of colors, especially when using dry media such as graphite, coloured pencils, charcoal, and pastels (Artist Strong). Fixatives create a protective layer that prevents the artwork from smearing or smudging during handling or transportation.

It’s important to note that fixative sprays are not intended to be a final coating for coloured pencil artwork. As they do not provide protection from UV light, environmental dirt, or rough handling. Instead, they are generally applied lightly between layers of colour to help keep the colours vibrant and prevent blending or transfer of pigments (Carrie Lewis). For a more comprehensive protection of coloured pencil artwork, artists should consider using varnishes or other protective coatings.

Types of Fixatives

There are different types of fixatives available to cater to the specific needs of different artists and media. The most common types include:

  1. Acrylic Fixatives: Acrylic fixatives are versatile and can be used with various dry media. They dry quickly, provide a matte finish, and offer good protection against smudging. Acrylic fixatives can be used for both coloured pencils and graphite drawings.
  2. Workable Fixatives: Workable fixatives, as the name suggests, allow artists to continue working on the artwork even after it has been sprayed. They create a temporary bond that can be reactivated with subsequent layers of media. These fixatives are often used during the early stages of a drawing to prevent smudging while adding additional layers.
  3. Final Fixatives: Final fixatives are designed to provide a more permanent layer of protection to finished artworks. They are suitable for use once the artwork is complete and no further layers or adjustments are required. Final fixatives come in varying levels of glossiness and can enhance the overall appearance of the artwork.

When choosing a fixative spray for coloured pencils, it is important to consider the specific needs of your artwork and the desired outcome. Some fixatives may work better with certain types of paper or media. Testing on similar surfaces is recommended (Prismacolor). Additionally, it’s important to ensure compatibility between the fixative spray and the coloured pencils being used.

Best Fixative Sprays for Coloured Pencils

When it comes to preserving your vibrant colored pencil drawings, using a high-quality fixative spray is essential. Here are some of the best fixative sprays for colored pencils that artists swear by:

Clairefontaine Pastel Revolution Freezer Fixative Spray

Clairefontaine Pastel Revolution Freezer Fixative Spray is a popular choice among artists for its ability to maintain the vibrancy and freshness of applied colours. It significantly diminishes the necessity for fixative, ensuring that your colours stay vivid (My Art Shop).

Winsor & Newton Artists Fixative

Winsor & Newton Artists Fixative is a non-removable fixative spray that offers reliable protection for colored pencil artworks. It is suitable for pencils and can safeguard finished work from strong sunlight. However, the dry sprayed surface may be too smooth to take additional wax colour coats, so it’s important to keep that in mind (Pencil Topics).

Preserving your coloured pencil artwork is essential, and using the right fixative spray can make a significant difference. Choose a fixative spray that suits your artistic needs, provides the desired level of protection. And ensures the colours in your artwork remain vibrant for years to come.

Considerations for Using Fixative Sprays

Before utilizing fixative sprays on your coloured pencil artwork, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind to ensure the best results.

Testing on Similar Surfaces

When using fixative sprays on coloured pencil drawings, it is crucial to perform a thorough test on a similar surface before applying it to your artwork. This step is necessary because very few fixative sprays are specifically manufactured for wax coloured pencils. Caution is advised when using fixative sprays or solvents on non-soluble varieties of coloured pencils. By testing the fixative spray on a similar surface, you can assess its compatibility and any potential adverse effects it may have on your coloured pencil artwork (Pencil Topics).

Compatibility with Coloured Pencils

When selecting a fixative spray for coloured pencils, it is important to consider its compatibility with the specific type of coloured pencils you are using. While pastel fixatives and varnishes are generally safe for wax coloured pencils, caution should be exercised when using fixatives on soluble pencil media. Some fixative sprays may not be suitable for use with certain types of coloured pencils. For instance, Winsor & Newton’s non-removable Artists Fixative is suitable for pencils and can protect finished work from strong sunlight. The dry sprayed surface may be too smooth to take additional wax colour coats. On the other hand, Gerstaecker fixative spray has been found to be effective as an intermediate workable fixative for coloured pencils. Allowing for the addition of multiple layers of pencil after application (Pencil Topics). It provides a matte finish and is known to take coloured pencil well (Pencil Topics).

By considering these factors, you can ensure that the fixative spray you choose is compatible with your coloured pencil artwork and will help preserve its vibrancy and longevity. If you’re interested in exploring more options for fixative sprays, you can check out our article on fixative spray for art.

Application Tips for Fixative Sprays

ghiant-academy-spray-fixative-in-action-8 is shown ina dark room being used to spray downward onto a paper that is white. you an see the mist coming from the srpay going down onto the paper in an even coating. there is a person holding the can and pushing the nozzle down to make it work.

When using fixative sprays to protect your coloured pencil artwork, it’s important to follow proper application techniques to ensure the best results. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

Proper Ventilation

Fixative sprays should always be applied in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling any potentially harmful fumes. It is recommended to work in a space with open windows or use a fan to improve air circulation. If working indoors, wearing a quality mask is essential to protect your lungs from any airborne particles or chemicals. Safety should always be a top priority when using any art materials, including fixative sprays.

Application Techniques

To achieve even coverage and prevent any unwanted effects, it is important to apply fixative sprays correctly. Here are some techniques to consider:

  1. Shake the can: Before using the fixative spray, shake the can vigorously for about two minutes. This helps to ensure that the product is well-mixed and ready for application.
  2. Test on a similar surface: Before applying the fixative spray to your actual artwork, it is advisable to do a test on a similar surface. This allows you to see how the spray interacts with the colours and surface, ensuring that it does not cause any undesirable effects.
  3. Start off the artwork: Begin spraying slightly off the paper or canvas before moving onto the artwork. This helps to prevent pooling and staining on the surface. By starting off the artwork and moving in a smooth motion, you can achieve an even application without any splotches that may ruin the project.
  4. Finish off the substrate: Similarly, finish the spray slightly off the substrate to avoid any excess fixative pooling on the edges. This technique helps to ensure that the entire artwork is protected without any unintended marks or discoloration.

Popular Fixative Spray Brands

When it comes to preserving your artwork and ensuring the longevity of your coloured pencil drawings, the choice of fixative spray is crucial. Two popular brands known for their high-quality fixative sprays are Ghiant and Pro Art.

Ghiant Spray Fixatives

three bottles of ghiant fixative spray in different sizes are placed next to eachother int he center of the image. the big orange 500ml bottle is on the left, the smaller bottle is on the right and the small 150ml bottle is in the middle at the front. the two smaller bottles have grey labels and black lids and the orange bottle has a white lid. in the center of the image on a white background

Ghiant offers a range of spray fixatives that are widely recognized in the artistic community. These fixatives are available in different sizes, such as Ghiant Basic Spray Fixative 150ml and Ghiant Academy Spray Fixative 500ml. Catering to various artistic needs (My Art Shop).

The Ghiant Academy Fixative Spray acts as an invisible shield against smudges and smears on artworks. Ensuring the preservation of vibrant colours and fine details. It is specifically formulated to provide reliable protection and prevent dust accumulation on the surface of your coloured pencil drawings. The fixative spray helps to maintain the integrity of your artwork over time. Allowing you to enjoy the beauty of your coloured pencil creations for years to come.

Pro Art Fixative Spray

Pro Art Fixative Spray 200ml Black can with white lid. Front view of can

Pro Art is another reputable brand that offers a reliable fixative spray for various dry artist media, including coloured pencils. The Pro Art Fixative Spray provides clear protection for your coloured pencil drawings. Safeguarding them from dust, smudging, and fading caused by direct and indirect UV light exposure (My Art Shop).

Designed specifically for dry media, such as pastel, pencil, charcoal, and chalk. The Pro Art Fixative Spray ensures that the vibrant colours of your coloured pencil artwork are preserved. With a quick drying time of approximately 5 minutes, this fixative spray allows for efficient and convenient application. Enabling you to move on to the next stage of your artistic process without delay.

When selecting a fixative spray for your coloured pencil drawings. It is important to consider factors such as the compatibility with your chosen medium, the desired level of protection, and the specific requirements of your artwork. By choosing reliable brands like Ghiant and Pro Art, you can have confidence in the quality and effectiveness of the fixative sprays.

Preserving Coloured Pencil Artwork

When it comes to preserving your coloured pencil artwork, it’s important to consider the right techniques and materials to ensure its longevity. While fixative sprays play a role in protecting your artwork during the drawing process, they are not designed to be a final coating for long-term preservation. Let’s explore the differences between fixatives and varnishes and discuss UV protection and preservation.

Fixative vs. Varnish

Fixative sprays, such as matte fixative spray, are primarily used during the drawing process to prevent smudging and provide a light protective layer between layers of colour. However, fixative sprays do not provide comprehensive protection from UV light, environmental dirt, or rough handling. They are not intended to be a final coating for coloured pencil artwork (Carrie Lewis).

On the other hand, varnish is a final coating specifically designed to protect artwork from environmental dirt, UV light, and rough handling. Unlike fixatives, varnishes are applied more thickly and are not meant to be used during the drawing process. Applying varnish during the drawing process can saturate and discolor the paper, as well as darken the colours of the artwork (Carrie Lewis).

UV Protection and Preservation

To protect and preserve your coloured pencil artwork, it is important to consider UV protection. UV light can cause fading and discoloration over time, affecting the vibrancy and integrity of your artwork. To combat this, artists can use fixatives. Specifically acrylic or permanent sealer sprays, to provide some level of UV protection. However, it is important to note that fixatives alone may not provide complete UV protection.

To maximize UV protection, it is recommended to frame your artwork using archival-quality materials. Including acid-free mats and UV-protective glass or acrylic. Archival-quality mats help prevent contact between the artwork and potentially harmful elements. While UV-protective glass or acrylic filters out harmful UV rays, reducing the risk of fading and discoloration (Prismacolor).

By understanding the limitations of fixative sprays and the importance of UV protection and preservation. You can take the necessary steps to ensure the longevity and vibrancy of your coloured pencil artwork. Remember to consider varnishes for final coatings and invest in archival-quality materials.

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